I see that you are in the process of starting your own blog. Excellent! You are in the process of becoming the best blogger in the blogging community. Once you read the wisdom of the words in this blog, then you will have leaped highly as you look forward to making a living for yourself and your family. The people who have been in the blogging field know that it takes time before your blog can be accepted as an authentic one, and before you can begin to make money. However, once you are in the limelight, you will be launching blog after another, and you might even consider leaving the monotonous 9-5 job hence making more time for you and your family. Never mind about the number of mistakes that you might make along the way. Once you are on it, you become a happy person and blogging is enjoyable and easy to you. Let us see how you can put food on the table through breakfast.

How much do you thing you can earn through blogging?

It does not matter what you are in pursuit of once you say that you intend to be in blogging. You may be looking forward to earning an extra coin to pay your many bills or you could be looking forward to creating your own blog that can give you enough money that can make you free to do other activities. The outside world is awash with so many stories of people who make a lot of money through blogging alone. For instance, consider Lindsay and Bjork who are on record to have made close to $25k through blogging. Samantha and Yeison have been in blogging as they travel to other parts of the world, and they are on record to have made close to $5k every month. You could take years before such returns begin coming up hence the reason that you should read this article so that you may realize that indeed you are on track.

What steps do you follow in getting a profitable blog?

You need to be serious in your work. Plan your work seriously if indeed you need to make money out of your blog. The world out there is full of niches that you can bank on so that you can make money. The best place that you should consider starting from is the pages that tune you up in Goggle. You cannot start something that you have no interest in. Whatever excites you must is what you should consider in making your niche.

Use Google and type that which excites you the most

Google will give you all the suggestions that you need and your topics will be enhanced with some more information from Google. You could also consider signing up in some of the sites that will guide you into the place you want to be in blogging. Blogging is definitely an area that does not get filled up since ideas are unique for every individual.